All relevant information about modern Frontend development you need

  • How to add 3D scene to your React app

    How to add 3D scene to your React app

    Learn how to use 3D graphics on your website with open-source project BabylonJS. With this powerful and flexible framework, you can create complex 3D scenes that increase user engagement, provide new ways to interact with content, and create stunning visuals. This article shows how to implement a 3D scene in your React project with BabylonJS…

  • GraphQL in simple words with examples

    GraphQL in simple words with examples

    Learn how to use GraphQL in your React applications with this beginner-friendly guide. Discover the advantages and drawbacks of using GraphQL, how to set up a GraphQL server, and how to use it to fetch data in your React components. Improve your web app’s performance and flexibility with GraphQL.

  • How to validate inputs in React application

    How to validate inputs in React application

    Learn how to validate user inputs in React and improve data accuracy, prevent security vulnerabilities, and enhance user experience. This step-by-step guide covers the most common input validation techniques, such as validating required fields, email addresses, and phone numbers, and provides examples of how to implement them in React. Additionally, the article offers tips for…

  • What is Redux and how to use it in React App

    What is Redux and how to use it in React App

    Learn the basics of Redux and how to use it with React in this comprehensive guide. Discover the purpose of Redux, how to set up a store, understand actions and reducers, map state to props, dispatch actions, and much more. Explore the benefits and drawbacks of using Redux with React and get a detailed look…

  • Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

    Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

    Learn about Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), the benefits they offer, how they work, and the differences between PWAs and native mobile apps. Discover case studies of businesses that have successfully implemented PWAs and the future of PWAs as technology and web standards continue to evolve. Get a comprehensive understanding of PWAs and find out why…

  • Inactive Tab Throttling in browsers

    Inactive Tab Throttling in browsers

    Inactive tab throttling is a feature of modern browsers that allows them to limit the resources that the browser allocates to tabs. The browser reduces the amount of CPU and memory resources for inactive tabs. It can affect code execution in it. To avoid these issues you need to optimize your JavaScript code for efficient…